Plot: As Tarzan and Jane's one-year marriage anniversary approaches, Jane searches the jungle for the perfect gift for Tarzan, enlisting the help of the hilarious Terk and Tantor. As they recall the many adventures they've shared so far, Jane realizes what an exciting year it's been in the jungle; from encounters with both old friend and new adversaries, to outsmarting prowling panthers to surfing the lava down an erupting volcano. But that's nothing compared to what Tarzan has in store for Jane--a surprise that will show her just how much he understands her world. All of the favorite characters from Disney's TARZAN are back, including Terk, Tantor and the Professor, in an action-packed tale full of surprises. TARZAN & JANE features irresistible new music, including a new duet of "Two Worlds" performed by Phil Collins and Mandy Moore. The wonderful new musical number "Singing To The Song Of Life" is also sung by Moore. 052421-052421P-VHS2
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