This dolls arms move around in a circle. You can see the rusty wire that is holding them tight to the body. In my research on these fused legs OR Joined leg dolls I have only seen the same facial features on one that was a bride and groom. All others the hands aren't in that position and the legs aren't together.
A little background story on this doll. I am 69 years old and when I was about 7 or 8 I went into my mothers top drawer of her dresser and I saw this little doll in there. So I was playing with her in her bedroom. She found me in there and threatened to spank me if I ever touched that doll again. She told me that it was given to her by my uncle Nordeen and it was not for me to play with. Well me being a brat would go into that dresser and play with that doll when my mom was out of the house and I knew she wasn't going to be home for awhile. She never caught me in there again but I knew that I would be in really deep trouble if I did get caught. I always knew I had to put the doll back in the same spot or she would find out. My sweet Mother passed away 12 years ago from kidney failure. While going through her household items to donate or give away I found this doll again in the china cabinet pull out drawer. I asked my two sisters if I could have it … if that was the only thing I would have fond memories of her. They both agreed and I had her on a shelf of my china cabinet for many years. Well 8 years ago I sold the house I was living in and I packed her away until today. With planning someday to sell this house and travel my treasures need to go to someone who will LOVE them just as I did. I hope you are the person to give this doll a great new home. I wish I would have asked mom how old she was when Nordeen gave it to her so I could give you a date of how old this doll is.
The clothing this doll is wearing is very starchy feeling … and somewhat brittle. There are no cracks, chips, or broken porcelain on this doll at all. For her age she is in good condition. Maybe someone you know could get her restored.