All items can be cast, binded or bonded. You just need to ask. We offer Binding and bonding services. WE ACCEPT OFFERS> JUST ASK!


Haunted Djinn Succubus LUST LOVE DESIRE


Warning: If you are not ready to have your wishes brought forth do not read on. She WILL keep you up all night. You will have EVERY desire fulfilled. If you can not handle this, DO NOT BID!!!!



This wonderful sale is for a succubus she is wild with desire.

She is beautiful !!

She has brown hair and blue eyes with a luscious body but as a succubus she can shape shift into anyone or anything that you desire!!!


Yes, that’s right. She can shapeshift into Pamela Anderson or your high school sweetheart if you wish.


She is always ready for ultimate desire


She will show you how to get the woman of your dreams if you so please


She will help you to please anyone


She is well versed in areas of sexuality and can teach you anything even tantric sex


She will make your dreams and fantasies reality


You must be ready she will not let you sleep at night once you bond to her!!!


Can you feel her calling to you???

You KNOW who you are YOU can feel it.


Is she in your ear next to you??

Do you feel her warmth???


She longs to embrace you???

She can help you in all areas of sexuality including

longer lasting sex

Multiple orgasms

Attract anyone you choose

Sexual Virility

Increased sex drive

Stronger orgasms




I will send you her name and access to our bonding ritual.


She does not prefer a man or a woman as master. She will bring the woman great powers such as making men want her and be overcome with desire for her, only if you ask. For men, who could wear the ring around a chain or carry and amulet in your pocket, she can bring unlimited sex drive, and make the one you want desire!!!!



About his vessel: a gold band ring







About us: We both grew up in a very magickal families. We have performed hundreds of investigations on houses and objects. We will bring to you our very best.


I grew up in a very magickal family, where my Aunt Diane was a witch and everyone else liked to hide our roots, if you would. I grew up in the south and sometimes, that’s how they like it, but do not get me wrong. Magick was everywhere, they just didn’t want everyone to know. I remember at 13 when my grandma revealed my roots, I was astounded. I had always seen sprits and talked to them. I had always been able to Make things happen but it turns out that our family went clear back to being thrown off a tower in Germany for being witches. I knew that it was true because I had dreamt it hundreds of times. I was there, It was me, my husband, and son in our past lives.


I have been an elder of the craft since 1995. I have taught events and classes all over West Virginia, Ohio, Indiana, and Kentucky. I am a Certified Angel Therapy Practitioner, Master Tarot Reader, Master spell caster, and certified psychic. I will bring you my best.


Dave took it a little the different way, his family is deep into ancient high magick. They always tried to keep these things quiet so I can not tell you much. But he is very powerful and can cast anything!!!


We have traveled the world finding and acquiring magickal items and haunted treasures from around the world. We will bring you the items as we research and discover all of the Special items that they have stored.


We also have master conjurers that we have worked with for years and I can GUARANTEE their work and authenticity. We have sold thousands of items, spells, readings, and other from ONLY THE BEST. Among them we have a Jinn Master Conjurer, a group of dragon Master conjurers from Italy, and a fairy keeper.


We are so proud to be here!!!


It will be our honor and pleasure to bring these AMAZING and Special items to those of you who need them. They are meant to be shared and our journey has brought us here. We have now made it our mission to share these items and bring knowledge and power to those who need it. So open you hearts and minds and get ready for this great journey.


If there is anything that is not listed, such as a spell, or anything special that you are looking for PLEASE let us know. And, it’s not all about money. There is an occasion where we can work out a deal.




If you do not believe, do not bid.





We understand that because we are new to you may have many questions but we are AUTHENTIC and have been doing this for a long time. We offer you the best that we have and will be here for email support should you need us. We are here to provide a service for those who need information, to learn, and Special items.


If you have any questions PLEASE write but give me a day to get back with you too. I try to get on every morning and every night. I “Elizabeth “ Will try to get back with you as soon as possible but I have been blessed 4 wonderful children. That’s part of the reason that brought us to. We also do investigations just about once a week.




Some of our testimonials:


Elizabeth, Thank you so much for the wonderful reading and follow-up. You went above and beyond what anyone else has ever done in a reading. I WILL BE BACK!!!


Elizabeth, Thank you so much for the spell. I found the woman of my dreams. After so long being without someone I thought that it would be strange but the minute that I saw her I knew. And I knew that it was because if you, thank you so much!!!!


dave, Thank you so much for the ring. The Djinn is starting to show himself and I’m so excited. He even called on the phone yesterday and turned the TV off. He is letting me know that he is here. I see him out of the corner of my eye and he left a single rose by the door. This is so great.


Dave, The doll is showing movement already and I just received her 3 days ago. She is getting along fine with the other doll. I heard them talking last night and when I lit the candles with her favorite oil she talked plain as day. She is beautiful and amazing and is giggling as I write. Lots of love. Thanks!


Elizabeth, The money spell worked out great!!! In the last 30 days I was given a FREE van, yes, FREE. And I won $10,000 on the Secret case game on DEAL OR NO DEAL. Can you believe it??? I even got a raise at work. I can’t wait to see what comes next… Thanks you are a miracle worker!!!


Elizabeth and Dave, I got the spell, not really believing but to my surprise I have now meat the man of my dreams. I had given up before and put up so many blocks because of the abuse in my relationships from the past. And, Guess what??? This one is NOTHING like those other loosers. He has a job and everything. I am so lucky to have found you. I don’t know what I would have done without you, given up and died an old maid.



Dave and Elizabeth, Thank you, thank you, thank you. Thank you for being there for me and opening my eyes to the metaphysical world. I did not truly believe but purchased the Angel Readings and I’m so amazed. It was so accurate and knowing my angel messages and being able to know them is amazing. For the first time everything is looking up for me. Some unexpected money came, me and my husband have never been this close, and I feel protected by Micheal for the first time in a long time. I really have found peace for the first time in years. Everything is falling into place.




years now.

Paypal only. Payment due within 5 days unless aranged otherwise. If you can not pay by then please let me know as soon as possible.
Chains, stones, spellcasted coins, incense, and pouches are free gifts. It is at our discretion what to send by what we have available at the time. sometimes you may receive all sometimes nothing. we have a free drawing every month. the tickets are for that. As to purchase this item.

Contacting us: If you need to contact us please use only not any other email address. Please give me 24 -72 hours to get back with you. We do investigations and have children so we are not online every day or every night, but we will do our best to get back with you as soon as possible and may be on investigations some weekends.


By law all items are for entertainment purposes only. Must be 18. Not medical advice or in place of anything medical. . ALL SALES ARE FINAL. We have been doing this 27 years and put in LOTS of time and effort! If there is ever a problem contact us and we will find the issue as to why not working and fix it!. All listing are copyrighted and owned by APRS INC