PLEASE READ:GAME CARTRIDGE ONLY. No case/box or instructions. TESTED AND WORKS GREAT-Label is in good condition Additional Details ------------------------------ Product description: What if every day was Friday the 13th? It could happen. It's the Fairies against the Anti-Fairies in a battle for survival. Join your favorite characters from this Nickelodeon favorite.

Cosmo, Wanda and Timmy Turner set out on a zany new adventure as they are pitted against their nemesis, Mr. Crocker, and evil anti-fairies who have broken into Dimmsdale. On the unluckiest day of year, Friday the 13th, it's up to Timmy and his Fairy God Parents to use their quick wit and bountiful wishes to defeat the anti-fairies and foil Crocker's plan to take over the world.

Just prior to Friday the 13th, Crocker performs a dastardly experiment that will once and for all prove that fairies exist. But his experiment backfires and turns Timmy's world into the Anti-World where everything is opposite even Timmy and his Fairy Godparents! And now, Anti-Cosmo, Anti-Wanda, and Anti-Timmy are hatching a sinister plan to stop the earth from turning to make it Friday the 13th forever. With their powers slowly dwindling as the dreadful day approaches, the real Timmy and his Fairy Godparents must travel through the Anti-lands and save the rest of the world from the evil Anti-Fairies.