Albina will cast her amazing spell 7X FOR THE 100 HYEAR OLD WISHING MAGNIFIER POWER


Albina says that this spell has been utilized for many years to assist in empowering "our already present ability to attract that which we focus our energies on". As a result, this potent Magick will greatly enhance and amplify the energies that one may already be directing, often without even realizing it! This amazing spell has three elements:
The Secret of the Mind's Eye- Albina says that this element will assist the bearer by amplifying the energies that one directs with one's "vision". She explains that "when one envisions what one truly wants to achieve, especially when this is repeated often, one is empowering this vision by lending it one's energies". In turn, such energies will then later effect one's reality in one way or another. As the this element begins to effect the bearer, the energies that one is lending to one's vision are magnified and this results in a more "rapid and powerful display of such visions gaining entrance into one's actual life as a reality!
Mystical Attraction- Albina says tht this element of the spell will assist by enhancing the "energies of the laws of attraction". She says that one will naturally attract that which one has envisioned and this spell will "add" to this natural ability by "charging" the energies that draw what one desires and focuses on towards one. She explains that this element " acts very similar to amplifying an already strong magnet drawing tiny shards of metal fibers and strengthening the force of it's power until it draws so many fibers that they form a much larger and more noticeable form". Albina says that much like this example, one will notice that instead of attracting less noticeable instances of "evidence" of what one desires, one will see truly obvious desires surfacing within one's life.
Mantle of Manifestation- This final element of the spell will assist one by bringing forward that which one has envisioned and attracted. Albina says that this is possible because the energies that truly "bring forth" evidence of what is desired are "given the greatest amount of energy as a result of this powerful spell". She says the reason for this is is due to the fact that "it is more difficult to bring forward that which one truly wants than it is to envision and attract desires because often we fail to recognize or even "receive" the Blessings that we create and attract. Therefore, this element of the spell magnifies not only the evidence of such manifestations, but also the bearer's ability to recognize and "open oneself' to being receptive to such manifestations that will bless one's life!
Albina suggests one allow at least at least 2-3 weeks to allow the energies to align with one's own personal energies. She also says that one should be aware that this is a spell that "unfolds" in stages and that one must allow these stages to progress before the "blessings become evident". My most SINCERE Blessings and heartfelt Thanks to Albina for all of her time and energy!!


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 I send my Blessings and LOVE to Albina for all of her AMAZING time and efforts!!!  


Please allow 2-3 weeks to align with this spell's energies ! MY most heartfelt BLESSINGS to Albina for all that she has given