12inch x 18inch Poster Louis-Adolphe de Milly, a gentleman that the Revolution of 1830 forced him to change his life, and had opted for the industry. He had begun work on the fatty acids, and participated in the development of modern candles, called stearic, from beef tallow. In a handful of years, "the stinking candle to light smoker" is replaced by Milly by "the candle, so clean and endowed with a flame so white." Given the success, Milly attends the opening of a factory in Marseilles, and transfers in the capital its first factory, which was installed at the gates of Paris and then, near the barrier de l'Etoile. It is not very clear whether the "candles of the Star" were produced some time in the hotel Montmor, or if the place has served as residence to the owner. Louis Adolphe DE MILLY Lezin - Surgeon (about 1825) , candle maker , Mayor of Boisette (77) ( 22 March 1860-2 June 1871) manufacturer. There is a border around the image. The image size is correct.