
5000 Fingers Of Dr. T | Alexander's Ragtime Band | Amazing Transparent Man | Anastasia | Attack of the 50 Foot Woman | Babes in Toyland | Babette Goes To War | Baby Doll | Becky Sharp | Bela Lugosi Meets the Brooklyn Gorilla | Bells of Capistrano | Bells of Coronado | Beneath The 12 Mile Reef | Beneath The 12 Mile Reef (Stills) | Birth of a Nation | Blood And Sand | Bride of the Gorilla | Bright Road | Bringing Up Baby | Brothers Rico | Buck Privates | Bus Stop | Cabin In The Sky | Caesar and Cleopatra | Calamity Jane | California | Camille | Captain January | Christmas Carol | Chump At Oxford | Clothes Make The Pirate | Coney Island | Conquest of Space | Copacabana | Corn's-A-Poppin' | Crash Dive | Crossfire | Cyrano De Bergerac | Damn Yankees! | The Deadly Mantis | Designing Woman | Devil and Daniel Webster | Dixie | Exodus | Fancy Pants | Fighting Pimpernel | Fire Over England | First Spaceship On Venus | Flying Saucer trailer | Foreign Correspondent | Francis | Gunfight At OK Corral | Henry the V | Here Come the Nelsons | High School Hellcats | Hop-Along Cassidy | Hurricane | In Old Chicago | Inherit the Wind | Invasion USA | It's in the Bag! | Ivan The Terrible | Jolson Sings Again | Jungle Book | Jungle Gents | Kentucky Blue Streak | King of Kings | King Solomon's Mines | Laura | LIfe of Emile Zola | Lil' Abner | Little Annie Rooney | Lloyds of London | Love Finds Andy Hardy | Loves of Carmen | Lullaby of Broadway | The African Queen | The Country Girl | The Dancing Masters | The Earth Stood Still | The Green-Eyed Blonde | The Hound of Baskervilles | The Hunchback of Notre Dame | The Lone Ranger | Thirty Seconds Over Tokyo | Twenty Million Miles To Earth 

PLUS RARE BONUS MATERIAL: 61 Vintage Drive-In Movie Ads! 

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