Here is where sellers can list any catch-all policies about their booth. If any of this information is essential to the buying process, the seller will also mention that within their item description -- so don't sweat it if you don't make a habit of looking at the details for every booth!
Booth overview
Western Bid, Inc. is a registered Florida corporation founded in 2001. Western Bid an online retailer of handmade, vintage and unique products. Every item is carefully packaged using the latest technology to ensure safe shipment to you. Please confirm arrival of your item by leaving feedback – positive feedback will be left in return. Please use our contact information to resolve all potential issues with your purchase.
Local pick up is available at
Western Bid,
3500 W Hallandale Beach Blvd,
Pembroke Park, FL, 33023 USA
Return policy
Full refund available within 30 daysBooth fans
Seller coupons & discounts
Shipping discount: Shipping weights of all items added together for savings.